
Friday, 20 April 2012


dari kerana mataaaaa
yang mmmmmempunyai kuasa
ohhhhhhhh aku tergoda
aku tergoda seketika

Pernah dengar tak lagu lagu lama oleh R.Azmi, tapi masih tak lapuk di telan zaman. Tapi entry ini bukan nak mengisahkan Boboi tergoda dengan panahan mata Gegirl. Tapi nak stori-mori tentang mata Baby Sofea. Mata hitam Sofea punya lah besar macam mata Sailormoon, tapi ADOiai... tidak mampu melihat. Sofea mengalami cortical blindness.

What is cortical blindness?

According to the Texas School (Retrieved on 21st April 2012), cortical blindness is a condition used to describe an apparent lack of visual functioning, even with structurally intact eyes. Many believe this is caused by a lack of cortical functioning (from the visual cortex of the brain).

Treatment for cortical blindness is very likely that one may be treated effectively for this abnormality. Over a long period of time, a series of vision stimulation activities can be completed. The likelihood of a young child recovering from these symptoms is higher than an adult. Some believe that the fibers of the optic tract (and their connections in the extrageniculostriate system) may be important in the visual recovery,since they are theorized to be

a) important in the maintenance of a stationary optical image on the retina via reflex eye movements
b) essential for the provision of visual feedback for cerebellar coordination of learned skilled movements; and
c) mediators in visual functioning with the geniculostriate system.

Stimulation Programme (Gaya Glenn Doman)

We practice a technique called 'Basic Vision' to stimulate Sofea's eye, in which we use bright light be shown into each of her eyes for one (1) minute each eyes ten (10) times a day.

Glenn Doman states that repeated stiulation of the visual pathways to the brain can lead to marked improvement in the pupil reflex response, in which an important step along the road towards normal sight.

Peralatan di dalam gambar adalah yang kami gunakan untuk stimulasi Sofea.

This "Concentrating Light Board" consist of 6 bulb (15watt)
Alhamdulillah...we got from our beloved friend Noina Ali.
Her husband made this item for Sofea.

Disco Light
Kalau Sofea boleh melihat, mungkin bertabah mudah untuk kami ajar Sofea sesuatu pergerakan dan yang paling kami mengidam sangat nak buat "flash card" untuk Sofea.Mudah-mudahan Sofea dapat melihat.Ameen...


  1. wow..disko light sangat menarik hati.. :)

    1. Berdisko light waktu malam, Sofea seronok...mama yang pening

  2. our baby muzaffar mgkn mengalami masalah yg sama seperti he is 4++months...bgmn mama dan papa tabah menerima ketentuan ini..

  3. anak kami berumur4 bulan mgkn mengalami masalah yg sama seperti sofea..bgmn ye mama dan papa sofea tabah menerimanya



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